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Learn why details matter in interior design

Why Details Matter in Interior Design

There's a common misconception that the sole purpose of interior design is to make a home look pretty. But it's more than that. On the one hand, it makes your home functional. On the other hand, it will make your new house feel like home. And we're referring not just to the large pieces of furniture that fill up your home but to every interior design detail. Because the truth is that those small accessories have a tremendous impact on the aesthetics and vibe of your home. However, if you're still not convinced, take a look at some of the reasons why details matter in interior design.

1 One of the reasons why details matter in interior design is because they make your home more functional

When you decorate your home, you must think practically. It's not enough to simply copy a design from a magazine. You have to adapt it to your property and your needs. Otherwise, even if it looks great, it might not be functional.

Let's take the kitchen, for example. You might be into the minimalist interior design style, but have you thought about where you're going to store all the kitchenware and food? A good solution could be incorporating a concealed pantry cabinet that preserves the minimalist look while improving functionality.

A person using a functional kitchen pantry cabinet.

One of the main reasons why details matter in interior design is that they make your home more functional.

2 They promote safety

One of the main reasons why details matter in interior design is that they promote safety. After all, many preventable accidents happen at home. And this is a big concern, especially when you have kids or seniors living in your home. Therefore, if you want to transform your home this spring, make sure you also add some safety elements to your décor.

For example, kids and seniors are prone to slips, trips, and falls. Thus, one way to reduce the risk of accidents is to use slip-resistant flooring inside your home. The good news is that this small interior design detail doesn't affect the overall aspect of your home. You can use matte-finish or textured flooring to ensure safety or attach non-slip strips to your beautiful area rug.

3 They ensure comfort

Your home should provide a refuge from all the stress you must deal with daily. It should be the place where you can unwind and recharge. As such, it's not enough to be visually appealing and functional. Your home should also be comfortable.

Even a small interior design detail (for example, using soft textures) can ensure comfort. For instance, you can decorate your living room with many throw pillows, a cozy blanket, and a soft area rug. You can also create a cozy reading nook where you can relax in the company of a good book.

A comfortable living room decorated with soft textures.

Decorating your home with soft textures will make it more comfortable.

4 They allow you to express your creativity

If you have an artistic side, you can use interior design to express your creativity. And there are plenty of creative decorating ideas to explore. For example, you can experiment with different styles until you find the one that suits you best. There's no rule against redecorating your home as often as you like. Plus, you don't have to replace the entire décor every time. Simply changing the artwork on the walls or the curtains can significantly impact.

5 They create a cohesive style

As a general rule, when you decorate your home, you should aim for a unified look. This doesn't mean all the rooms should look the same or match perfectly. However, they should look like they belong together. And every small detail can help you create a cohesive style for your home. For instance, you should pay attention to the color palette and textures you choose or the combination of old and new furnishing.

6 They add personality to your home

One of the main reasons why details matter in interior design is that they add personality to your new home. If you decorate it with some basic pieces of furniture, it will look staged. Of course, you can use this to your advantage if you're trying to sell the property. However, if you plan on living there, you must make it feel like home.

To achieve this, you must first identify your style. For example, if you love bright colors, you shouldn't be afraid to incorporate them into your home. Just be careful not to make your home look like a rainbow. Try to stick to a few colors and play with different shades. And instead of painting every wall a different color, you can use bright-colored accessories, such as pillows or pottery.

Colorful throw pillows decorating a bed.

Even small accessories like throw pillows can add personality to your home.

At the same time, even if you're moving into a new home, it doesn't mean you should get rid of all your old items. You'll personalize your home and make it your own by including small heirlooms or memorabilia in your interior design. Moreover, you can also display a few photos of your loved ones or some of your kids' artwork to add a more personal touch.

7 They give you a sense of achievement

Decorating an entire home from scratch is not an easy task. You must carefully pick every item, big and small while thinking about aesthetics, functionality, and comfort. But once you're done, you'll feel a wonderful sense of achievement. It's not just about doing it all by yourself but also about getting as close as possible to your image of a dream home.

Final thoughts

If you consider all these reasons why details matter in interior design, you realize just how important they are. To call a house a home, you must make it your own. And to achieve this, you must carefully pick every color, piece of furniture, and accessory. This will enable you to create a style that represents you and is visually appealing at the same time. Furthermore, since you'll be living there, you should also make sure that it's functional.

Author’s bio: Portia R. Graves has been working as a content writer for four years. During this time, she has developed a passion for interior design and helping people make their houses feel like home. She enjoys painting and visiting art museums in her downtime to get inspired.