Who among us has not sifted through a cloudy, confusing situation only to finally, and after great trial, see the truth of things? That feeling deserves its own unique word, I believe. The sense of profound relief when the truth has finally, gracefully and undeniably risen up.This is the rare and still-sweet form of relief I am thinking on today… N
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Spring Brings Renewed Energy for Home Improvements. Shop Paloma's Spring Bonus Offers - Special for Online Shoppers!
Customers who complete a transaction by April 30, 2014 receive a complimentary piece of dazzling handmade glass pottery when they purchase a Half Moon Table from Paloma Pottery. With new life bursting all around us, shoppers are looking for ways to revitalize their surroundings, both indoors and out. Longer days bring a reveling in the warmth of
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