paloma pottery blog

Take Your Gifts to the Next Level with Our Recycled Products

‏Now that we have peaked, I feel the warmth of relaxing into the glory of that one. By that one, I mean the longest day and turning of the year. Every summer of my life holds a vague stretch of golden hue to days that blend into one another. I sleep differently now, even as I did then. Heavier, for being more active outdoors all day. Deeper, as if held more fully by the world of dreams, than at other times of the year.

‏We strive for so many kinds of peaks. In our careers, our relationships, our goals and adventures. What if we remembered that it is not the moment itself, but the new perspective we crave. We want to relax into that brilliantly shifting new light on our own lives. And it is happening all the time. Peaks we don’t register. High moments we can’t even recognize. Perhaps, there was one now. Take a moment to reflect within and celebrate life with friends and family.

recycled products

When your home is in need of a design element, consider the addition of our recycled glass products. At Paloma Pottery, you'll find a variety of handmade pieces made from recycled materials guaranteed to increase your design level. Plus our eco gifts are popular with both men and women of all ages! Our beach glass dinnerware is just what your family needs! Browse our online site today to view your next place settings.